Today, I am going to review some hair products that i have been excited about getting my hands on for some time. I first came across them through my sister-in-law, Clare (@irishcurlinnewyork), who is currently living in New York. I call her the ‘Curl Queen’ as she literally knows everything there is to know about curls! When she started raving about these products, I knew I had to buy them. Unfortunately, I was unable to purchase them online at the time, so thankfully Clare got them for me for Christmas! For the purpose of doing this blog I contacted Deva Curl directly and they have assured me they can be purchased at Nordstorm or Sephora (click on links), who both deliver to Ireland.
Below is a quick summary of the products I used, in the order i used them:
- Deva Curl No Poo Shampoo – I loved this product, but it took a little getting used to as it doesn’t lather (as the name suggests) and so feels more like a conditioner.Apparently most shampoos are not paragon, sulphate or silicone free and are basically like putting fabric detergent in your hair. Curly hair is so dry that shampoo will negatively affect your natural curl as it dries it even more. The only issue I have with this type of shampoo (or No Poo) is after continuous use (together with the hard-water issue in Galway), my hair occasionally needed something a little stronger. *Note: Deva Curl has just launched a new product called Build Up Buster, which will definitely be on my shopping list.
- Deva Curl One Condition Original – Daily Cream Conditioner: This is an excellent product that adds moisture to your hair. I love the fact that you can use it everyday. It feels super-light on your hair and doesn’t add any weight.
- Deva Curl B’Leave-in – Miracle Curl Plumper : Despite the name this is not a leave in conditioner. I really liked this product – my hair is naturally fine so any product that can add volume is a win for me. My hair can be quite flat at the roots and this gave it a real lift.
- Deva Curl Ultra Defining Gel – Initially, I didn’t love this product. It felt quite sticky and I worried my hair would have that Jelly Curl look which I hate! Thankfully, the results were very positive! I think the important trick with this product is to ensure that your hair is soaking wet when applying it and ensure that you use enough to completely cover your hair, then scrunch your curls using a cotton cloth to remove any excess water or gel. If you do notice that your hair still feels sticky after drying it I could recommend use the cotton cloth (or curl towel) to scrunch it soft.

I am happy to report I am totally sold on these products! I love the fact there are no harsh chemicals in Deva Curl, and they have a huge range to suits lots of different hair types. They also sell kits which are great starter pack of their best selling products. Looking at their range online I am excited to try their Mist-er Right Dream Curl Refresher and their Frizz Ease Volumizing Foam. That’s it guys! I hope you found this review helpful? Let me know if you have tried these products and what you thought19 LikesShare